Volunteering plays a vital role in communities around the world, offering a range of benefits and holding a significant place in our society. Giving one’s time, skills, and resources to help others or support various causes not only furthers the supported cause and enriches the lives of those who receive assistance but also brings numerous advantages to the volunteers themselves.
The importance of volunteer work
The importance of volunteering lies largely in its capacity to drive positive change and foster community. Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting non-profit organizations and community initiatives, which often lack the resources to function effectively without their assistance. Volunteering also fosters a sense of unity and solidarity within communities as individuals come together to work toward common goals.
Further, volunteering can improve public services and alleviate the burden on government agencies, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reach of critical community programs. Additionally, volunteering promotes a culture of empathy and altruism, encouraging individuals to actively participate in creating positive changes for a better society.
Personal benefits
There are also numerous personal benefits for individuals who choose to donate their time and skills. Engaging in volunteer work can provide a sense of fulfilment and purpose, as it allows individuals to make a tangible difference. It can lead to developing new skills, expanding one’s network, and boosting self-esteem. Additionally, volunteering often offers opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery as volunteers gain a deeper understanding of diverse community perspectives and challenges. These experiences can foster empathy, improve mental well-being, and create a sense of accomplishment, making volunteering a rewarding and enriching endeavour for those participating.
MOAS works with the European Solidarity Corps so volunteers can help out and learn at the MOAS office in Malta. Here are testimonials of two volunteers who are currently enjoying this experience.
Svenja says: “My time as a volunteer at MOAS HQ in Malta is turning out to be a very enriching and valuable experience for me on multiple fronts. The team here has been extremely welcoming, taking deliberate steps to integrate us volunteers into the daily operations and patiently guiding us through their processes and procedures. I am able to gain a better understanding of the intricacies of humanitarian work, giving me a solid foundation for my future aspirations.
MOAS’ dedication to having a real and tangible impact on the lives of vulnerable people is evident and witnessing this commitment to delivering vital support to those in need has been impressive. Exploring the process, from the inception of an idea for a humanitarian mission to the steps involved in its execution, has deepened my awareness of the challenges and nuances of humanitarian aid delivery. MOAS is a reputable organisation with a genuine mission. I’m happy to contribute my efforts here, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be part of a dedicated and compassionate mission and team.”
Caterina has been volunteering for MOAS since January. She explains: “I have always been keen to work in the humanitarian field and specifically to be committed to delivering emergency relief globally, which is also MOAS’ mission. The MOAS’ team based in Malta has given me a unique opportunity to deepen my interest and knowledge in the humanitarian process, advocacy and migration policies and being able to learn how the organisation works. I have been involved in many different projects, and this is the added value of this organisation: the level of engagement and kindness of the people who make up this organisation, as well as the expertise of its partners and the generosity and support of donors. I hope to have given back to MOAS what MOAS has taught me.”
Your Turn
If you want to join us as a volunteer, keep an eye out for opportunities on our website and social media channels. If you want to support MOAS and our mission in other ways, please consider signing our petition for Safe and Legal Routes or giving a donation.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, volunteering serves as a cornerstone of social betterment. Beyond collective advantages, volunteers also reap personal benefits, including a sense of fulfilment and skill development. As both a catalyst for positive change and a source of individual growth, volunteering remains a vital and enriching activity that plays a pivotal role in enhancing both community and personal well-being.
If you are interested in the work of MOAS and our partners, please follow us on social media, sign up for our newsletter and share our content. You can also reach out to us at any time via [email protected]. If you want to support our operations, please give what you can at www.moas.eu/donate.